Membership and Notifications

Would you like to keep connected with
Borelians Community Theatre?

Subscribing with us gives you:

Occasional discounts on show tickets,
Borelians newsletters,
Advance notice of upcoming productions,
Early audition notices,
Opportunities to work on productions,
Participate in workshops,
Attend the Borelians Annual General Meeting,
Attend the ACT-CO Gala*
….and much, much more!

Borelians Community Theatre Membership Sign-up

* indicates required

*the annual ACT-CO gala is on hiatus until further notice. You must be affiliated with an ACT-CO member group to purchase tickets to attend the ACT-CO gala dinner and awards ceremony.

Current Board

Borelians Board of Directors:

Helen Coughlin
Bryan Coughlin
Carolyn Goff
Ari Todd
Megan Young

Matt Imray
Ray Cameron


We are always looking for new people to join the board. Send us an email if you’re interested in helping out.


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